Predicted 5 star reads

There’s been a whole slew of these videos going around Booktube over the past few months, and I’ve always found it really fascinating to see how good or bad people are at predicting which books they think they’ll love.

It’s taken me a good long while to find ten books that I think will be 5 star reads, but I hereby present ten things (most of which are due out next year sometime) that I think I’ll absolutely love and give 5 stars to.

Aurora Rising by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
I mean…it’s Amie and Jay. I’m pretty much guaranteed to love this. It’s not due out until May of next year, but I’ve been excited about it from the second they announced it and I cannot WAIT to read this.

Space Opera by Catherynne M. Valente
I foresee this being a 5 star read for two reasons:
1. It’s Catherynne M. Valente
2. It’s basically Eurovision. In space.
I am 100% here for it, and literally the only reason why I haven’t read it yet is that the Kindle edition is $19 in Australia, which is utter madness. So I’m hoping to persuade my library to get it soon. Or that it goes on sale, because seriously – $19 for an ebook?!?!?!

Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell
This could literally just be Simon and Baz wandering around Ikea looking at furniture and I would still give it 5 stars. Because I am absolute trash. And I honestly screamed at my computer when I saw that the release date had been bumped up to next year. It may not have an actual release date yet, but I don’t caaaaaaaaaaaare it’s going to be amazing omg.sw

In Bloom by C.J. Skuse
This is the sequel to Sweetpea, which is one of my favourite books of this year. And I bought this before I’d even finished Sweetpea because that’s how much I loved that book. Buuuuuut I’ve been putting this off because frankly? I’m a little terrified that this won’t live up to my expectations. But if it’s even half way as good as Sweetpea, I’ll give it 5 stars because that’s how good Sweetpea was… (Note: don’t even read the blurb for it if you haven’t read Sweetpea, it contains pretty massive spoilers)

The Dragon Republic by R.F. Kuang
This is the sequel to The Poppy War, which is honestly one of the most incredible fantasy books I’ve read in years. The combination of 20th century Chinese history and fantasy was breathtakingly good, and based on the blurb, I’m pretty damned sure this sequel is going to be just as fantastic. Again, due out in May and I NEED IT NOW.

Godsgrave by Jay Kristoff
I bought this the second it came out last year. And then I never read it, simply because I wanted to reread Nevernight before I dove into this one and somehow I never felt in the right headspace to reread Nevernight. But SOON. Like, before the end of the year soon. I *WILL* read this. And I’m pretty damned sure I’m going to love it.

Undying by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner
This one comes out in less than two weeks, and I’m SO EXCITED ABOUT IT. It’s the sequel to Unearthed, which I absolutely loved because, like, archaeology in space wheeeeeeeeee. I am psyched to read this and find out how things end.

Sword and Pen by Rachel Caine
This is the fifth and final book in the Great Library series, and given that I’ve rated every other book in the series 5 stars, it seems pretty damned safe that I’ll be giving this one 5 stars too. Seriously, these books are amazing and you should all read them.

Record of a Spaceborn Few by Becky Chambers
I freaking love Becky Chambers, and I’m honestly kind of disgusted at myself for not having read this yet. But once again, I want to reread the first two books in the series before I jump into this one, even though the books in this series are…more or less standalones. Hopefully I’ll get to this one before the end of the year as well!

Becoming by Michelle Obama
I desperately need to read this, and I can’t imagine giving it anything less than 5 stars based on what I’ve heard about it so far. But again, the Kindle edition is $18 which is…many. Hopefully in a few months, it’ll go on sale and I can grab it for a slightly more reasonable price?

So, there you have it, friends. Ten books that I think I’ll give 5 stars to. I’ll check back in (in like a freaking year…) when I’ve read them all and see how well I did!